Saturday, August 27, 2016

P-Day 59

Hi Mom,

That's so cool about the Greers*. I figured they were because they said they had family in San Tan area. Also that's cool about Clint! Tell him Anchorage is the best!! 

We went fishing last week and I caught one zombie dog... So a dog is a type of salmon and after the salmon spawn they start to die. So this was a 90% dead fish so it was gross. We are going today again because the APs are in town and the Coho salmon are running. We also went running 5 miles on a trail last week... It sucked. But it was fun too. 

Nothing unusual or extremely noteworthy happened. We had this extremely awesome week planned about and about half of it fell through so we had an average week. 

I went on exchanges with the DL to his area. We just walked and tracted all day. They live in the rich part of Juneau and we went to this area where all the houses are on the ocean. The problem was the road was a 1/4 mile away. You had to walk down stairs for a quarter of a mile. Which means after you knock... You walk a 1/4 mile back up. So I got a huge workout and sweat a ton. 

We were supposed to have a baptism this Saturday but the Tyskas pushed it back a few weeks. Which is good because we have to finish up the lessons. Also Andy Ramirez is on Sept 3. 

And about the gift- I just meant like birthday, Christmas or whenever. I don't care. It was just a gift idea. Love you!

Elder Frey

* Turns out the couple who took the picture while on an Alaskan cruise are related to members of our ward- brothers)

** I asked for more pictures and got this response...
How can I serve with all my heart, might, mind and strength if I am distracted taking pictures?

Hahaha jkjk 

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