Monday, August 8, 2016

P-Day 57

Hi Mom!

Ugh I'm tired! I've never been so exhausted in my life. Juneau is amazing. Being a zone leader is tiring. But things are awesome. 

So for my birthday... I don't think you really should send anything.. I think just a card would be good and maybe a few treats. I'm trying to get on a fishing charter!! But I don't really need anything. And maybe a few $$ dollars for dinner. Btdubs there are no big restaurants in Juneau. Only small momma and pops. 

We had MLC on Wednesday so we flew to Anchorage. We had to prepare. We had a solid basis for our training but we had nothing settled. So Tuesday, after planning for several hours, we finally got to a point where we were solid. So Wednesday morning we finished up just in time to go to MLC. 

MLC was an amazing experience. Everybody's trainings were so connected and I learned a lot. Inspiration is an amazing thing; The spirit was definitely present as we prepared these trainings. Even though it was long, we were tired: It was amazing. 

Well, we flew back Wednesday night. We landed about 10pm. We just passed out. Get up and do the routine all over again. We were super super worried. We had a busy day with a ton of set lessons and we still had to plan zone meeting.... We couldn't really plan before because we didn't have the stuff from MLC. We had about 1.5 hours of "free time" to prepare. So we went and started planning with Faith. Amazingly enough, everything pretty much fell through! While at first it doesn't seem like a miracle... We had ample time to plan. 

Here is where the start of a miracle happens. We started going to dinner after an appointment canceled but we had 20 minutes. So we were on Douglas island, and we went to this random park. Nobody is there at all and we start writing everything down and finishing up. Well, this random lady comes in and sits down and starts talking to us. She was a member and we just went and sat by her and talked. She was up visiting from St. George; super cool lady. We just hit it off. Well, we promised her we would give her some fish to take home (we get out 2 fillets a day it seems like so we have plenty). So we get her number and had to leave. 

So we go to dinner it was awesome and to our appointments in the night. We wake up the next day and finish planning. Well that Lady calls about the fish and we told her our dinner canceled and we were free then. Well she took us out to dinner and invited her nonmember friend. He was pretty Anti. Long story short: his wife divorced him and became the second wife of his dad... And they are active practicing so he wants nothing to do with us. As far as excuses go, that's one of the best ones I've heard. So we go to dinner and she didn't tell him. So he sees us and is super standoffish. 

Well let's just say me and Elder Keys KILLED it. He absolutely loves us and he and that lady ended up talking after we left. He softened his heart and accepted an invitation to church when she comes back up in 3 weeks. "I guess all Mormons aren't that bad of people." He isn't a member and had a baptismal date at one point. So, we may have a potential in the future. 

I skipped zone meeting so back to that. It went really good. We definitely over planned. It went long but was very spiritual. We trained about being "Quick to Observe" (Mormon 1:2), Loving your companion (And future companion (; ), and living what we are learning and earning our badge each and everyday. It was definitely inspired. I hope all of our missionaries benefitted greatly. 

So we have more miracles and "meat tenderizing". So we go by this less active lady. She really wants to be a mother and she miscarried her baby a few weeks back. She had called and asked for a blessing and she got one then miscarried. Well she got pregnant again and got super sick so she asked for another one. Well the non member husband was home. Elder Keys gave a fantastic, spiritual blessing. He (the husband) felt the strength of the blessing. He felt the spirit. He was confused and didn't recognize it. 

So we followed up this week and go over. We started talking to the two of them. It was a short 15 minute "Hey is everything going good" type deal before a lesson. Well we started talking with the husband and just hit it off. He started strongly encouraging his wife to go to church (he has to work). So we leave and go to our lesson and we get a text afterwards from the husband: "I really enjoy your company and how I feel around you two. We want to pay you back for everything so we will take you hiking or fishing and dinner one day. Please feel free to come over whenever".

He went from someone super standoffish to absolutely loving us. We also had a dinner yesterday with Polynesians and there is one less active who was super standoffish. Same deal, we just hit it off and he felt the spirit we bring and softened his heart. 

It was a testimony builder of us and the mantle of the spirit we carry. None of these things were super spiritual moments. It was just us being ourselves and carrying the spirit. We were real and showed an interest in them and it broke barriers.

We had dinner with Mary Ann, a recent convert. She is awesome! She is Filipino and came to America 2 years ago. We eat there every Saturday and teach a lesson but she canceled last week. She spoils us so hard. She reminds me of my Hmong family back in Anchorage. 

We also had a guy named Matt show up to church. Villi, a YSA member invited him last week but he didn't come. He came this week and talked about how he wanted to be like Villi and Josh and have what they have. They all played football together and Josh and Villi are RMs. So we got this golden investigator who wants to change his life. 

Super busy week. We were gunna go to the ice caves but that feel through so we went to Nugget Falls last week. We were gunna go to the ice caves today but that is probably falling through because of another Golden referral we got. One of the Laurels had a super spiritual experience praying about the BOM and called her best friend and bore her testimony. Her friend felt the spirit and wants to learn more so we have a lesson today. So we'll either go fishing or do a short little hike. Juneau is awesome. So much food.... Thanks Polynesians and Mary Ann. 
Love you,
Elder Hayden Frey

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