Monday, August 15, 2016

P-Day 58

Hi Mom!

So this was a less meeting but just as busy week! Last P-Day we decided to go to the ice caves at the Mendhall Glacier. It was about an 2 hour hike there and 90 minutes back or so. It was cold and wet and totally worth it. It rained the whole time (and since!). I'll send pictures but the glacier is melting pretty fast :/ 

Tuesday, we taught one of our referrals! She was a referral from the Kawakami family. He is our 1st counsellor. But we taught the restoration and this lady didn't really know much or had a relationship with God so we focused on how to build that up. She speaks English well but didn't really understand the scriptures well so we gave her a Russian BoM! A lot of potential here. 

We taught the Tyskas and they are on date for August 27th. We watched the testament video and explained it with 3rd Nephi. They are super excited for their baptism! We also have Andy Ramirez for September 3rd who is excited as well. 

We learned how to make Sushi Saturday! Mary Ann taught us how to make it and we made a bunch and enjoyed it... A little too much.... We also have a ton of Tongans so we eat a lot of food. 

Juneau is doing well, rainy and foggy everyday and super beautiful! It's scaring all the tourists off the streets :( Nothing super noteworthy but the glacier happened. It was a great week though! 
Love you!
Elder Frey

Elder Frey and Elder Keys (from Jerome, ID and Saratoga Springs, UT)

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