Tuesday, August 2, 2016

P-Day 56

Hi Mom,

Juneau is just as amazingly beautiful as the pictures! It rains.. A lot. And it's not even the rainy season yet. And the amount of tourists and cruise ships is crazy! There are at least 2-3 boats in the canal a day. Sooo many Asians and random tourists. It's fun. 

Yes Elder Keys is my new companion. So, we have basically been in the same zone or district my whole mission. So we knew each other well. We are both the zone leaders. 

Fishing was fun! I let Elder Gentry have the good rod because he isn't a super experienced fisherman. I had a little rod with 6 pound test. (It is meant for little trout, not 10-50 pound salmon) But I got a salmon to bite and it broke the line easy. Long story short, we didn't catch anything :( But we have a few good fishing rods in our apartment and we live right behind a river :3 haha and Juneau has amazing fishing. 

Yes I suck at packing. Although I got everything here perfectly. No problems at the airport or anything. And if I spend money here, it's because I needed a rain jacket, or pants or something. Because over half of our Ward and YSA is Polynesian. Which means too much foodddddd..... So we won't be going hungry much. Elder Keys hasn't bought groceries yet here. 

I had to speak at church yesterday. It was fine. I spoke about prophets and following them. It was not my best talk by far. It was alright. 

It rains so much here. We have only had 1 day of no rain. It's a very moderate temperature too. About 58-60 most of the time. Very beautiful. So Juneau is a Fjord. And the beach line is the city. So we are just surrounded by mountains and the canal/ocean. 

JUNEAU IS AWESOME. Hmong is still better though(; Not much this week, just getting to know people. We have been super super busy. We always have lessons going and we have to prepare a training for Mission Leadership council and plan for zone meeting. We fly to Anchorage tomorrow and fly back like Thursday. So more travel. 

Awesome week! Thanks for the analogy, Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

P.S. YSA decided to put a dog in our apartment as a prank.. So we brought it to the pound and had to get selfies first...

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