Monday, June 27, 2016

P-Day 51

Hi mom! 

Thank you for the package and card. It was great! I really enjoyed the story you sent. And yes I went and burned the shirt. Nobody listened to Elder Gentry and brought a camera or an iPad. Well oops. So we don't have any pictures. But we went down by the river where me and Elder Gentry took photos that one time. We also went with The YSA elders. We sprayed my shirt with spray paint and then lit it on fire. It burned very quickly. Then we went to red Robin and ate. 

We had exchanges this week. I went to the YSA Ward with elder White and Elder Gentry stayed in Wasilla with Elder Elliott. We did a lot of service and tried finding a lot of people. Overall it was a very good exchange.

We went to Anchorage twice this week. On Wednesday we went to the temple. It was awesome. Probably one of my better ones so far. Afterwards A member from Fairbanks that knew Elder White took us out to eat. Then we went to visit some Hmong members and they fed us well also. 

On Thursday we had trainer training meeting. That was also a very spiritual meeting. It was also one of the better ones I have been to so far. Elder Wilson, my old zone leader, is the new AP. He is with Elder Goodsell, his old companion (they were my zone leaders together). I also met the new Hmong elder. He speaks pretty good. I was able to throw out a few words he didn't know though 👍😈 he will do very well there. We ate lunch with Tsakong too. 

Stephanie is progressing well. We finished up the lessons and taught tithing and Word of Wisdom. She will be out of town for the next two weeks so I am glad we finished early. by the time she is back we will have one to prepare the baptism.

All we did was service this week. It seems like every day somebody was calling us to come help them. I actually got a sunburn in Alaska... We helped clear bushes, move people, picked weeds, set up an Iditarod event and basically burned all the possessions of a member who is moving. That last one was my favorite one.

Wasilla is doing alright. The work is moving forward and there will be good things to come. I need new running shoes. Would it be cheaper to mail or just put money in? (Btw if so give me a limit lol) 

I love you,
Elder Hayden Frey

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