Friday, June 24, 2016

P-Day 50

Hi my favorite mom!

We had a pretty good week this week. It was transfers! Nothing special happened for us though. We just did normal missionary work. Imma get on Chandler for not doing it!! Did Jacob? I think I come close with the lining of the pig stomach. But I don't think it was a pig... Or a cow.... Or a moose... Or any animal besides a cat or dog. I was with Asians for 9 almost 10 months. 

That's funny about the delays!! Haha what luck. Of course I bet Alyssa was freaking out. Haha and who thought Alaska would get warm. It got as high as 93 here in Wasilla. Crazy! I've seen -20 and 93 in the same year. 

Not much happened this week. We taught Stephanie the Law of Chastity and keeping the Sabbath day holy. She has gotten pretty close with Brother and Sister Dahl. Their fellow shipping, and Bishop’s is awesome. Bishop is still in Israel so no lessons at his mansion. 

We finally got Ward mission plans set up and rolling in both wards!!! I came in with like.... Nothing.... No investigators, an average of 2 lessons a week, a huge disconnect in missionary work and the ward, no WMLs.... We got a new WML in Wasilla Ward and we created a Ward mission plan that's just getting set up. He's doing a great job. We are all learning together. We met the Memory Lake WML finally after a transfer. We kicked him in the butt and created a mission plan and presented it to the Ward council and going to start spreading it. We pulled a baptism out and have Stephanie on date. We have several solid investigators. Teaching between 10-20 lessons a week. Things are picking up. I'm happy to say I left the area better then I found it just like PMG says. Things are looking up. Me and Elder Gentry are getting things going for sure. 

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

91 degrees in Alaska is HOT- especially when no one has A/C.

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