Monday, June 6, 2016

P-Day 48

Hi mom!

What another wonderful week! Time really flies. Just a year ago I was on my way to Alaska it seems like.... But the weather is nice: High 60s to low 70s. Sun is shining mixed in with a little rain. What can be more perfect than Alaska?! Nothing!  How are you? We are usually in the 60s-70s but today is 42 and rainy. We were gunna hike too....

We got to go to Anchorage this week and we had lunch with Tsakong. It was good seeing him and some of the other Hmong members. Speaking of Hmong, I have a lesson tomorrow with the Hmong family that the Big Lake Elders found. 

We also did service for this one fellow. It is the father of a returning less active in another Ward. He lives in ours and we helped him around the yard since he is getting older. He is a good guy and fun to talk to. He invited us over yesterday to his family BBQ and he asked a few questions and spoiled us with food. 

Stephanie is progressing really well. We taught the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was intense and she was in tears and choked up saying the closing prayer of the lesson. Bishop Gray and his son had awesome comments that really solidified it all. She is doing awesome progressing towards baptism! No date yet. We didn't have a promoting to give her one. 

Wasilla is blooming both outside and In the work. Things are going well, Elder Gentry is a stud and growing so well. I barely remember I am training ever. Enjoy the week! I know I will! 

Elder Hayden Frey

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