Monday, June 13, 2016

P-Day 49

Hi Mom!

Alaska is awesome! The work is going great. Me and Elder Gentry are doing well. We are both staying of course. I am moving to district leader.... I mean I basically already was my whole mission but yeah. And good news! They are white washing Hmong! I called the Hmong elders the other day and they were sitting at a members watching a movie 😑😑😑 my current zone leader has only two more transfers left (which is training) and is whitewash training Hmong. Meaning, he is training the Hmong elder in Hmong and the two in Hmong are being taken out. 

Stephanie has a baptismal date- July 16. She immediately committed and she is awesome! We only have a few lessons left for her. Elder Gentry committed her like a boss! He is doing really awesome as a missionary. He is a good teacher. 

We had a dinner with the YSA elders. They bet me I wouldn't go the whole dinner only speaking Hmong. It was a cool family so yeah. But I did it so they bought me ice cream. I said all the prayers and taught the lesson it was funny. 

We also talked to the Hmong family this week. And we got another potential Hmong family. But it was just an awkward doorstep conversation because the Big Lake elders didn't tell me who we were seeing so I just talked to the mom awkwardly. The daughter wanted to be baptized but the dad said no which is what I was supposed to clear up but the daughter wasn't home so we have to go back. 

Over the last few weeks we did some service for a elderly nonmember couple. Their daughter is a member in another Ward. They were a really sweet couple. We started doing service only but they started asking questions more and more as they warmed up. The wife would give us the awkward hugs. They really liked us and would feed us lunch as well. Well, we got a call yesterday from the daughter saying he was in the hospital. The husband requested a blessing from us. Wow! So we showed up and they wouldn't let us in. He had to be life flighted to Anchorage. He didn't make it onto the plane..... He lost all blood pressure and was transferred across the veil... It's really sad because I liked the guy. He was getting somewhere with the gospel. I'm glad for the plan of salvation. 

Love you!
The extra 2 are Elder White and Elder Carroll (not sure which is which though).

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