Monday, May 23, 2016

P-Day 46

Hi mommy!

This week was awesome! We had Hope's baptism. The spirit was really strong. Her children came but her husband wasn't there. He ended up coming about halfway through after the actual ordinance. She was super worried about the whole going down into the water and didn't want to do it more than once. Everything was awesome and went smoothly. Then we confirmed her the next day as planned. Luckily, Sister LaVoie of the mission, who does the baptismal records, was there. We were able to give her the record immediately after the confirmation and everything's A-Okay now! 

So we had this media referral for a girl named Stephanie and we could not contact her. We knocked on her door like 15-20 times. Never home. We called. Wrong number. It was a promising referral and she really wanted to learn. We were bummed. We go to church on Sunday and Bishop Gray's wife walks in with a friend named Stephanie. We started talking to her and it is the same Stephanie from the referral! She had randomly shown up for church, started walking in and Sister Gray starting talking to her, found out she wasn't a member and fellowshipped. She's read about half of the Book of Mormon and we set up a lesson with her at Bishop Gray's this week. The work keeps on rolling. Hopefully she is as golden as Hope! 

Me and Elder Gentry studied tender mercies this week and my tender mercy besides Hope's baptism: The Big Lake Elders found a Hmong family and I get to go teach them! Time to refresh my memory of the restoration in Hmong. 

We have made an effort to get out of the car and walk more, so people can see us and we can OYM (Open Your Mouth) more. We did our first day of it yesterday. We ditched our car after church. Well, we made a wrong turn and walked a mile and a half in the wrong direction and was late to dinner, only like 15 minutes late.. Good thing it was the Martin family and they were chill about it. We had a guy pull over and talk with us and got his number! We were walking by the park and OYMed a less active, who was YSA age, and invited him to go to the YSA and their activities. It will be interesting giving up the car for a few days in Wasilla.... 

The work is great, The Book is Blue and the Church is true. Alaska is still the most beautiful state out there and The Alaska Anchorage Mission is #1. 

The best son ever

I win the award for best tie ever

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