Monday, May 2, 2016

P-Day 43

Hi mom,

Things are going good here in Wasilla. Transfer are this Wednesday! Hehehe and for the FaceTime. We have church from 7 am to 2pm here. So anytime after that I'm good. And our apartment has wifi. I'll pay Larry 15 to keep saying jokes! 

We had exchanges this week. I went with Elder Carroll to YSA Ward. That was fun. We taught a bunch of lessons. And stayed up to 3 am talking and then was super tired the next day.  Hope is still progressing well and preparing for baptism! There was not a lot to these week really! Besides transfer calls!

Love you!

Elder Frey


This week we received our transfer calls! And drum roll please......... I'm training a brand new missionary! I am excited to train and to help a new missionary adjust to the life of a new missionary. Maybe I can train him as well as mine trained me (Haha thanks Ryan!)

Sister Meade, the lady we did service for last week passed away the day after we did the bonfire. She was happy and smiling with us and showing us her village art. It is unfortunate but a part of life. One day we will all see her again.

Besides transfers and Sister Meade it was a pretty uneventful week.
Hope is still progressing to baptism. We tracted a lot. The only out of the normal thing was exchanges with Elder Carroll. I went over to the YSA Ward. We taught 3 or 4 lessons.

Have a good week!
Elder Hayden Frey

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