Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother’s Day FaceTime

Sunday afternoon we got “the call”.  It was so good to see his happy smiling HEALTHY face!!  He has been so sick 3-4 times since being in Alaska and I hope he is finally on the mend so he can focus on the work.  He has a new companion- Elder Gentry- fresh from the MTC.
I asked him what his favorite part of missionary work was and he said talking to people.  He loves tracting and meeting new people on the street (although he said the “Americans” are so rude and he misses the Hmong people).  He is still counting on the fact that he will go back to the Hmong branch to end his mission.  He reads the Book of Mormon in Hmong every day and listened to General Conference in Hmong rather than English.  He has been looking for Hmong people to teach/talk to since he got to Wasilla.  I had him bear his testimony in Hmong and recorded it.
Family picture
He gave Garrett a hard time about his long hair.  There were quite a few jokes and one liners throughout the conversation.  Once again he had us laughing the whole time!

He is so happy to be in Alaska and serving the people there.  He loves his mission!

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