Monday, May 9, 2016

P-Day 44

Since we had just spoken yesterday, all I got today was a picture of him with his new companion that I had requested yesterday.  This is the email he sent to everyone else...


So this week was relatively uneventful.. Again. Tuesday, Elder Christensen was saying some goodbyes and I started to feel really sick. So we went home and I took a nap for a bit but woke up feeling worse. We took my temperature and I was sitting at 103..

I was super worried because Wednesday I would be picking up my boy!
(My trainee). So we called the mission nurse and she told me to stay in a rest. Duh because my fever was at 103.

I woke up on Wednesday feeling alright but right about 9am.. My fever came back. So I hit the Tylenol and go pick up my boy. Well.. The mission president takes one look at me and says, "after you meet your trainee, go to bed." We were supposed to sit in 6 hours of trainings and then go to the temple but I feel bad for my trainee. I met him and then left and went and slept.

So we start heading home to Wasilla. My trainee has to drive (🔴) and I am falling asleep trying to tell him where to go. Then we just got home and sleep. So I wake up the next morning and the nurse calls and said to go to urgent care. So we show up... And I had strep throat....

Also, the urgent care had a bunch of medical stuff and questions translated into Hmong (very poorly I would say) and so I had to ask for a Hmong translator to which they didn't have. I just want to speak to someone in Hmong!

But long story short.. We stayed in the apartment pretty much whole week. First week, my trainee was bored out of his mind.. Well I am better now and ready to go. This week will be awesome!

Have a good week!
Elder Hayden Frey

My boy Elder Gentry (from Ephraim, UT)

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