Monday, January 4, 2016

P-Day 26

Hi Mother!

Nope we did nothing (on New Year’s Eve). We had to be in before 7, although we were slightly late because Buffalo Wild Wings took forever with our food. But it was alright. We just went inside and read a few talks then went to bed.

Yes, we changed times. YSA went to 9 am, ChuFoo went to 11am. Since we have to use ChuFoo's primary and youth programs we come in at 12:15 and we start with second hour, then third hour. Then at 2pm we meet for Sacrament. President Lampert took off his shoes (because it is covered by the thingy) and when he got up to bear his testimony me and Elder Vang hid his shoes, hehehehe!

The roads are an ice rink. It got so bad that they said if we didn’t have a set lesson, stay inside for a few days. So yeah I got way ahead of my Book of Mormon challenge! All we can do is read and watch bible videos!

We did help Bounmy move. He is moving to California. No he isn’t Hmong, he is Lao. But he had this really big heavy piano we had to move. Trying to move it with tiny Asians is a pain in the butt LOL! Good thing I am big and strong though. Then.. We had to fit it into a trailer. We carried it into a trailer with an Arctic entry the size of a closet that made an L turn. I don't know how we did it but we fit the piano and couch into the trailer...

Nome and Bethel are flying in for Zone Conference and we have to have 2 other elders stay with us for 2 nights. It will be cramped but it will be fun! And we finally get to have a zone activity with the WHOLE zone!

That's basically it for the week, Love you
Elder Haydonis

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