Monday, January 18, 2016

P-Day 28


You are wrong about transfers. Since they cut a week off the last one, they added it onto this one. And then to counteract the MTC the next one is 7 weeks as well. Two 7 week transfers in a row. Tub Txib Ntsej Muag (Hehehehe) goes home on February 3rdish. They banned transfer meetings worldwide so there will be no more of those. 

This was the weirdest Sunday ever! We had 49 people show up. The lowest in ages and most of it was Less Actives! Most of our active members were gone! The Vang's(8), Vue Yangs Family(9), Pao Thao and them(10), The Lucas's(2), George and Nancy(2), Tsemeng(1), Mee Lee's kids and Kenyu(4), Kong Meng Kiddos(4), Paj Kub and her grandkids(5), And Sister Her(2) all weren't there. Guess what the attendance could have been..... 96! I could have been close to my yearly goal of 100.

This transfer has been slightly difficult. I love Elder Vang! He is a cool dude and super funny. He's just... Elder Vang. The best way to describe him is like a dog. He doesn't try to apply himself in the language much so he doesn't do as well as he should. He basically just follows me around until he is told to do something and then he does it. Haha he kind of reminds me like Alyssa a little bit. It's not that he is lazy or ready to go home. That's just how he is. But I have to take leadership in everything and prod him into doing some stuff. 

Cool miracles this week. We went on our presidency splits like normal. I went with President Lee and we went looking for an old investigator that dropped off the face of the earth basically. He was super golden but then nobody could find him and his phone didn't work. President Lee kind of knew where he was. But while we were knocking on the apartment door, nobody answered. We felt prompted to knock on another door in the apartment complex so we went up to go tract it. A Hmong family answered the door. Long story short, they were less active members from California that had just moved up here. They had very little and no job. We were able to provide some help and they came to church yesterday. Maybe we can keep them active here! 

I will email the kiddos and tell them to bug you very much. love you!
Elder Haydonis 

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