Monday, January 11, 2016

P-Day 27

Hi Mom,

That trace is an overstatement too. It has all been rain! It's been between 34-50 degrees for a long time now. Yay for El Niño! How is my cute little lucky doing?

We ate with Joanna and Tsemeng yesterday and she was house sitting for someone. They had a big dog and a little dog. The little dog would 
never come to me :( Lucky would though! The big dog would do nothing but follow me though. And the picture with me washing dishes... It's a lie! I still don't know how.  I was framed!

Tell Chandler to email me or I will fly down and punch him! Me, Jacob, Anthony, and Him have a group email going and he hasn't emailed it in like 3 weeks and he hasn't emailed me in like 3 weeks!

We had zone conference this week with a general authority. It taught us a lot of cool things and how we can help our investigators progress. It wasn't just a big lecture but a big discussion and we all grew as missionaries from it.

We also got to go to the temple to help with Baptisms for the Dead this week for the youth. We had more Hmong then ChuFoo and we had many not go (; Hehe moving on up! We also had a branch movie night Friday that went well.

On Monday we were at dinner and we brought ChuFoo. Sister Her likes it when we bring lots of missionaries. It was a fun little dinner but when we were doing the spiritual thought and ChuFoo did theirs in English and this Elder Vang said, "I don't know how to translate, you do it." So I did. It was hard but fun! Haha I probably sounded really bad!

Love you!
Elder Frey

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