Tuesday, December 29, 2015

P-Day 25

Nyob zoo,

It was awesome being able to skype with you on Christmas and I cannot wait until Mother's Day! It warmed up to 42 degrees here today and warming up!

Well since I just talked I don't have much to say besides about Saturday and Sunday! Well Saturday we went to Hmong New Years. It was a lot of fun. It was weird being the only white person in the whole dome. Everybody would walk by and say "Hello" to me so of course I would say "Nyob zoo'os, koj nyob li cas xwb'os"

Vue Yang, one of our members, is a leader in the Hmong community and was in charge of the the 3 day event. He was also Emceeing the event. He knew we were there but whenever we went anywhere near the stage we hid our faces from him. At all the Hmong New Years, they are famous for calling up the missionaries to sing Hmong songs. Maybe if the other Elder Vang was here we would go do it.

We had a few really cool less actives in the soccer tournament so we watched their Saturday game. They lost because Her Vang, the goalie and member, caught a kick and went to bring it down to his waist and it slipped out and went into the goal. We will go and give him grief at his house for throwing the ball into the goal ;-P

So at Hmong festivals they have this game where you literally stand and throw a tennis ball back and forth and it is a flirting game. Yes... To Hmong people playing catch is flirting. But anytime we walked the area I would get 3 or 4 balls thrown at me and they would tell me to come play. I can't I'm a missionary!

We are going back today with our district that is here in Anchorage.  If Vue Yang sees us all, I think he will call us all up.

Yesterday was our last day in the relief society room! We are meeting in the Chapel now! Yayayayay

Funny story. On Saturday we forgot it that the next day was Sunday and we were really really low on gas and we just said we would fill up tomorrow. Well.. We woke up and realized it was Sunday. We had just enough to get to church, dinner, and home. We ended up just staying at President Lee's from after church to 9 because we had no gas to go anywhere. We barely had enough to get gas this morning. It was a
definitely a miracle we could drive far enough to get some for sure.

Love you!

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