Monday, December 7, 2015

P-Day 22

Nyob Zoo!

What a wonderful week this was as always. We get to go around and
teach a message about Christ and the new Christmas initiative found at The Church did a wonderful job creating the
website with many videos about the importance of Christ so make sure
that you check it out and share it on your social media accounts!

We had a funny yet amazing miracle. One of our "Golden" investigators,
Lori, turns out to be an member! She went to a baptism of ours and she
thought she was. We had her go to our branch clerk and it turns out
she was baptized!

We had a really busy week that included 9 lessons on Thursday. We
picked up a few new investigators. Our branch is growing and growing.
Good news, next year we are moving into the chapel! We currently meet
in the relief society room but we will be in the chapel in 2016. I
also got the opportunity to conduct this month again. And I did it all
in Hmong! That was fun.

We picked up another baptismal commitment. Elder Goodsell my ZL came
to the Hmong branch. We went around and visited some people. We were
driving to go in and we decided to visit one more person. We visited
this LA. He is a really cool dude who still has a testimony but he is
making the steps to come back. We talked sports, then taught a lesson
and then said a prayer. As we were leaving he said, "Hey my wife wants
to be baptized." It was awesome!

Little warmer this week. It's in the low 20s. A lot better than -10s!
We have a baptism this Saturday. 3 more are going into the water as we
say. So we will busy this week. We will also be busy because it's
Elder Vang's last week. We have to go around and see all the people he
wants to say goodbye too. I will miss him. He's been my comp for a
whole quarter of my mission. He is a stud missionary and he has made
his mark on this piece of the garden. I am thankful for him and the
influence he has had over me.

Have a wonderful week!
Elder Hayden Frey

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