Monday, February 27, 2017

P-Day 86

Monday, February 20, 2017

P-Day 85

Hi Mom!

I am not sad even a little bit, I had spoken almost no english in 3 days when I emailed you last week and my head literally hurt emailing. So I only emailed a little bit. But we have a decent sun exposure now, instead of 11-3 with it being cloudy 90% of the time, it is about 8am-730. Snowing a lot but it is whatever. 

We had 42 come to church but that included several less actives with a bunch of actives who normally come didn't come. Haha it was a good sunday. I gave another talk and we taught sunday school. So it was a busy day for us yesterday.

We had zone conference with Elder Ardern of the 70. It was amazing and I learned so much. I made it into his journal!!! Hahaha But we learned about David and Goliath and how we can use our stones better. 

Besides that there wasn't anything super interesting this week. We had to go on a temp exchange because Elder Brock was sick and we taught this investigator and we sang/rapped this song and she started crying because she felt the spirit. It was cool. She committed to read the BoM and come to church.

Besides that there wasn't anything interesting. I do have pictures this week and they will come a bit later. But I love you!!

Elder Hayden Frey

Monday, February 13, 2017

P-Day 84

Hi mother 

Your favorite missionary is doing great. We had a slow week to start again. Nobody wants to open their door. Maybe because it was cold again? Haha it got down to -11. But we would see people home and they wouldn't answer the door. These are people who usually open too.  It's supposed to warm up to 30s or 40s. Yes!! But it's snowing now.

So I set a goal that I wouldn't speak English today at all, and I haven't really spoken English for the last couple of days. So writing is going to be difficult and honestly, I have no motivation to write today. But thank you for the emails. I appreciate them a lot and I
promise emails back next week.

But we had a cool experience yesterday. We visited a less active. When we got in it was awkward. He wouldn't come out and when he did, it was awkward. He is usually talkative but he wasn't talking. But we shared a message. Afterwards he said, "Thank you Elders, I was about to make some decisions and do something I would have have regretted forever. Thank you." That was a neat experience in following the spirit. 

For P-days we just chill and play cards. It is too cold to do anything too great. But yeah I have no motivation to write this week. So sorry!

We had a good attendance yesterday: 51 and 2 investigators. We had good talks and classes. It was a good Sunday day. This week we have Zone Conference with a general authority. I am excited to learn and to grow. We will be hosting the Nome missionaries for 2 nights. It will be a spiritual conference.

Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

Monday, February 6, 2017

P-Day 83

Hi Mom, 

It got warmer and now it is getting cold again.... And by the end of this week it could be down in the negatives again. Ughhhhhhhhhh But yeah time is flying by. It needs to slow down!!

There really isn't much to this week, nobody was home at all. We were able to see a few less actives and get in touch with some investigators. We taught some good lessons and hopefully things will pick up again this week. We have some good plans down so hopefully things will work together. 

So an old member that had moved away after I left, Sister Her, came back to visit for a little bit. It was cool to see her! She came to church and shared some amazing stories about how God has led her throughout her life. She shared this one story when they were escaping Laos into Thailand and they were camped out in this one spot. All the people in the group heard something say they need to wake up and leave. So they obeyed it and woke up and left. Shortly after, there was a huge battle in the area they were camping. She talked about even back then when she didn't know about God, he still led her and guided her to the place that she is now. 

But it was a good week. I don't know anything about the super bowl besides NE won*. So yeah, but I love you!

*I sent a comic