Monday, December 5, 2016

P-Day 74

Hi Mom!

The Hmong branch is still awesome. It's sad. Attendance went from 80s
to 20-30s... a lot of drama and stuff.. but yeah. Time to go to work
and fix a lot of it. It is good to be back and everyone was excited as

I am staying warm. 4/6 days have been below 0. The other two it snowed
so it warmed to the 20s. But I am holding my own. I got a package of 2

So last Monday we just balled and cleaned and stuff like that. We also
had to host Elder Wilson for the night, which was fun. We left on

Tuesday was crazy!! The winds were 60-80 mph and it was raining. So
they boarded us on the plane and said we were going to taxi to the
runway and wait until the winds got to 60 or below to take off. So we
did and waited for 30 minutes. They finally got to 60 and we took off.
It was the bumpiest flight ever. The whole way up was scary. When we
got above the clouds it was alright.

So I got here and we were in a quadpanionship. There were 4 of us for
24 hours. Then Wednesday we dropped off Elder Meade to the temple and
Elder Crawford to the airport. Then we picked up the Nome elders and
hosted them. We had Zone Conference Friday so they flew down for that.
We took them shopping because everything is super expensive in Nome.
But yeah then we dropped them off Saturday at 3. So from
Tuesday-Saturday, we had 4 elders the whole time.

Saturday and Sunday we finally got to do work! Whew, it was an
exhausting week. My Hmong has been really good so far. I thought it
would be rusty but I picked up where I left off. I just have refused
to speak English! But Elder Vue is awesome! He's a stud missionary so
things will be good!

Love you!
TubTxib Fwm/TswjHwm

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