Monday, December 12, 2016

P-Day 75

Hi Mom! 

We had a good week this week! It was very cold but we stayed busy and had a productive week. The work is picking up! It is doing well. We were able to get 5 more people to come this week. So hopefully we can keep adding people! 

Last P-Day we just went to the church with the Zone and played card games and basketball. The normal... nothing too exciting. There is a new greenie in our zone who is 6'10"... basketball was a lot more difficult then normal.

Tuesday I got to see Kong! I haven't seen him in a while. It was a good visit. We caught up with him and invited him out to church! He is the same old Kong Lor.

Wednesday, we went and saw Dily! Haha Dily Vue. He is the same too... we talked about the Christmas Initiative! By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, it is amazing! We also knocked some doors and and while we were walking in the basement of this apartment complex, we heard a guy singing in Hmong in the laundry room. So I tried to open it but it was locked, so I knocked. I didn't think he heard so I knocked another time loudly. He opened it, and I peeked my head in and starting talking to him. Well, he was singing into the phone.. we thought, crap, we just interrupted. He started singing again and then finished and started cussing... well he called into this Hmong radio station and was singing to try and find some girl to talk to and we interrupted and he ran out of time.

We were standing there ready for him to come yell. Turns out he was a super nice guy. We talked for like 30 minutes. We got invited to his house renewing.... it is a shaman thing where they bless the house before the new year so they can have good spirits. Super nice guy.

We had to give a training at zone meeting on "teaching repentance and baptizing converts." Tsakong told me about a training he gave when I was here the first time. He wanted others to feel how it is like to be a convert, and how the process is difficult. So he created a good obstacle course. We did that food obstacle course, which involves things like: habaneros and the cinnamon challenge. It went very well. It was a spiritual training and had some fun.

We also got to meet up with Sengduan! He is a Laotian investigator but he is tricky to get a hold of. He works for 6 months out of town at a time. It was good to see him. His English is rough and my Lao is 100x worse so we have a hard time communication but we read from the BoM and he felt the spirit!

We went on visits with Tsakong and we went to this less actives house. He was chopping up a pig. So for service we helped him! I have a video but I won't send it to you because... you probably would want to watch. Only in the Hmong branch.

It was a good week. Attendance went up a little bit in sacrament
meeting. Hopefully it continues to go up! 2 more weeks! I love and miss you!
Elder Frey

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