Tuesday, July 19, 2016

P-Day 54

Hi Mom,

So we had a baptism and absolutely no pictures...... 😜😜😜 crazy right?

I ended up making a recording too. I think you'll love it. But if it doesn't work. Here is the week in words. 

We still had one more lesson to teach and to go over the baptismal interview questions and we were meeting Thursday and the baptism was Saturday. We taught the last lesson which was about temples/Families and learning and serving in the church. It went smoothly because she read the pamphlets. We were going over the baptismal interview questions. She still had her tithing concern. We retaught Tithing and tried to address the concern. Thankfully, she has a soft heart and the spirit touched it as we all bore witness of it and she agreed to live it. We then planned the baptism. She wanted everyone to play a role in the service. Since Brother Dahl, her fellowshipper, is our WML, he conducted the service. So he was off the hook. She wanted us to give the 2 talks, so we were off the hook. Bishop ended up baptizing her. She also got confirmed by the stake patriarch! Haha talk about someone who can give a blessing.

She wanted to bear her testimony and did. It was an amazing and spiritual baptism. One of the most spiritual I have attended. It was absolutely amazing because of the love in the room. There was a nonmember so I hoped it touched her heart. 

We had trainer-trainee meeting in Anchorage, aka visit Hmong members day! I had to tell Vue Yang to start going back to church because he was going less active on us. Elder Gentry was probably super confused because it was half Hmong half English. Then we had lunch at Mee Lee's and Brother Pao Xiong's. Also Trainer-trainee was pretty good. Learned a lot from it like always! Hehe

We went to Talkeetna again and did service. We fixed a porch and ceiling and moved some stuff. It was blazing hot. Like 85🔥🔥🔥 and humid. 

Maybe about the tag thing. We'll see:P
Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

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