Monday, July 4, 2016

From the emails of Elder Gentry...

I became Facebook friends with Elder Gentry’s mom today and found his mission blog.  Here are a few things he has written about Elder Frey in his emails home...

May 9, 2016~ My companion’s name is Elder Frey and he’s a super missionary and is always ready to work.  Which can be a struggle because he always jumps out of bed at 6:30 and I tend to lounge a bit and it makes me feel bad. But I’m not him, hahaha.  He’s a super good example and a very good trainer.  I’m blessed to have him and excited for the time to come.

June 27, 2016~ The other day my comp tried cooking and we were making some salmon and he cooked it with some habaneros (which are just like the second hottest pepper in the world) and he used like 5 of them. I couldn’t eat it.  Just from cooking it my nose was dripping and I was coughing, so I made me some pancakes.

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