Monday, July 4, 2016

P-Day 52

He copied and pasted my questions and comments (in bold), and then responded...

Hi Mother!

So what are your plans for the 4th? Email, Shop, Basketball. It's P-Day

Do you get to watch fireworks? It's Alaska. It's bright until 3 am gets dark until 430 and is bright as day by 5. We can't see the fireworks. 

or go to a BBQ or anything? Actually! A member is having a pig roast so we will go to that. That is like a big Alaskan thing and every Ward has a big pig roast for activities. 
Can you believe a year ago you were watching fireworks from the MTC and preparing to fly to Alaska? That was about a month ago....
What an amazing year!! It was terrible horrible no good very bad
recently started a 6 week “Fit Body Challenge” to try to increase my muscle strength.  I need more than 8lb arms!!  Maybe by the time you see me they’ll be 12 lb. arms.  LOL!  Actually my goal is to be able to do at least one real push-up.  I have never in my life been able to.  I can’t even do very many on my knees (like 3).  Upper body strength is not something I was blessed with.  So, we’ll see how I do after 6 weeks. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Your mother is a hermit! That's where Garrett got it. 


Now my week: 😜
This week was good. Well, we taught a bomb lesson to Hope. We didn't have a member present, and her husband wasn't home, so we brought the YSA elders. She is still as golden as usual. She talked about how the Holy Ghost has really blessed her and already has soooo many specific examples of it. 

Stephanie is doing well. She went out of town this week so we didn't meet. But her fellowshipper dropped her off at the airport. They talked about the coffee and she didn't mind giving it up and she said she is. She also defended the church hard to some of her friends. She's ready!!! July 16th here we come. 

We had a less active we've been working with come to church!! He stayed for sacrament and left after but it was pretty sweet. 

I went to Willow on exchanges this week with Elder Kapelila. He's a stud! He's from Mesa. Haha the Willow Ward boundaries go from Wasilla, north about 220 miles to Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley). We drove 50 miles from 1 dinner to the next. Then about another 30-40 to a service. Their boundaries are insane. We taught several killer lessons. Elder Kapelila was trained well. He's in his 4th transfer, about 5 months or so. We also got the stay in the famous Willow cabin! It's the Willow elders cabin that's back in the woods. It's pretty sweet. A member built it for them. It felt like camping. 

Here is a photo that's about 1.5 months late. Just got it. We also had zone conference. It was pretty good! Learned a lot from it. Also got to see Elder Goodsell and Elder Wilson again. 

Love you!
Elder Frey

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