Tuesday, July 26, 2016

P-Day 55

This week I got a recording (an awesome 14 minute one!!), but no written email to post.  The important news is that Elder Frey is heading to Juneau as a zone leader with Elder Keyes (sp).  He flies from Anchorage to Juneau tomorrow (Wednesday) to begin his service there.  According to Hayden, it is the most coveted place to serve in the Alaska mission.  He is so excited to go, but not as a zone leader.  He wishes he were “a regular missionary".  He sent these google maps pictures to give me an idea what it looks like.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

P-Day 54

Hi Mom,

So we had a baptism and absolutely no pictures...... 😜😜😜 crazy right?

I ended up making a recording too. I think you'll love it. But if it doesn't work. Here is the week in words. 

We still had one more lesson to teach and to go over the baptismal interview questions and we were meeting Thursday and the baptism was Saturday. We taught the last lesson which was about temples/Families and learning and serving in the church. It went smoothly because she read the pamphlets. We were going over the baptismal interview questions. She still had her tithing concern. We retaught Tithing and tried to address the concern. Thankfully, she has a soft heart and the spirit touched it as we all bore witness of it and she agreed to live it. We then planned the baptism. She wanted everyone to play a role in the service. Since Brother Dahl, her fellowshipper, is our WML, he conducted the service. So he was off the hook. She wanted us to give the 2 talks, so we were off the hook. Bishop ended up baptizing her. She also got confirmed by the stake patriarch! Haha talk about someone who can give a blessing.

She wanted to bear her testimony and did. It was an amazing and spiritual baptism. One of the most spiritual I have attended. It was absolutely amazing because of the love in the room. There was a nonmember so I hoped it touched her heart. 

We had trainer-trainee meeting in Anchorage, aka visit Hmong members day! I had to tell Vue Yang to start going back to church because he was going less active on us. Elder Gentry was probably super confused because it was half Hmong half English. Then we had lunch at Mee Lee's and Brother Pao Xiong's. Also Trainer-trainee was pretty good. Learned a lot from it like always! Hehe

We went to Talkeetna again and did service. We fixed a porch and ceiling and moved some stuff. It was blazing hot. Like 85🔥🔥🔥 and humid. 

Maybe about the tag thing. We'll see:P
Love you!
Elder Hayden Frey

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

P-Day 53

Hi Mom!

I'm doing well! I'm glad you all got there safe. Hehe Garretts a gorp. Did he throw up?

We had a solid week this week. On Tuesday, we got to go up to Talkeetna for service. Talkeetna is an hour and a half drive north of Wasilla. Willow, who is in our district, covers Talkeetna so we had a service opportunity up there. Me and Elder Furnell, one of the Willow elders, built a porch and started another one. Elder Gentry and Elder Kapelila moved a bunch of stuff. I guess that's what happens when you are as big as a grizzly bear. Then they fed us awesome burritos. They have the World's hottest hot sauce. I decided to put several drops (8) on a burrito and eat it. That was fun!!!..... Also Elder Gentry stepped on a nail and had to get a tetanus shot. 

We tracted into a really cool guy. His name is Bob. We have been doing service for him... Like every day, but yesterday. He is always asking if we want to ride his Harley's and ATV's and his other toys.... I wish it wasn't against the rules! He's got everything known to man. He also wants to take us fishing. Good thing we can do that!

We have been cleaning the outside of his house, building a trailer, moved stuff, etc. etc. he's had 5 back surgeries and is still recovering. He's awesome! We had met him 2 days earlier and he already trusts us with everything he owns basically...

Stephanie's baptism is this Saturday! She's been out of town that last week and a half so we will be rushing... It will all work out but it is getting down to the wire. 

I gave a talk on missionary work in the Memory Lake Ward this Sunday about missionary work! A lot of miracles came out of it. A lot of people came up with referrals or saying they have potential people for us to teach. In total Sunday, I think we pulled out 15-20 names for people to visit and teach! What a miracle! We also had a lot of people asking for stuff so they can share and invite! Yay!! Also it was supposed to be a 5 minute talk..... It went about 25 minutes.... 

We burned Elder Elliot's pants for his 18 month mark yesterday. We did it by the river. This time, there was hundreds of King Salmon running up the river! I wish I was fishing! They were anywhere from 10 pounds to 40+ easy. It was sweet! First time I got to see that in Alaska.

The work is progressing!!!!! Things are going well. Miracles are happening. Have a good week! I know we will. 

Elder Hayden Frey

Splits with Elder Elliot (taken by Sister Knappen at their house for dinner)

Monday, July 4, 2016

From the emails of Elder Gentry...

I became Facebook friends with Elder Gentry’s mom today and found his mission blog.  Here are a few things he has written about Elder Frey in his emails home...

May 9, 2016~ My companion’s name is Elder Frey and he’s a super missionary and is always ready to work.  Which can be a struggle because he always jumps out of bed at 6:30 and I tend to lounge a bit and it makes me feel bad. But I’m not him, hahaha.  He’s a super good example and a very good trainer.  I’m blessed to have him and excited for the time to come.

June 27, 2016~ The other day my comp tried cooking and we were making some salmon and he cooked it with some habaneros (which are just like the second hottest pepper in the world) and he used like 5 of them. I couldn’t eat it.  Just from cooking it my nose was dripping and I was coughing, so I made me some pancakes.

P-Day 52

He copied and pasted my questions and comments (in bold), and then responded...

Hi Mother!

So what are your plans for the 4th? Email, Shop, Basketball. It's P-Day

Do you get to watch fireworks? It's Alaska. It's bright until 3 am gets dark until 430 and is bright as day by 5. We can't see the fireworks. 

or go to a BBQ or anything? Actually! A member is having a pig roast so we will go to that. That is like a big Alaskan thing and every Ward has a big pig roast for activities. 
Can you believe a year ago you were watching fireworks from the MTC and preparing to fly to Alaska? That was about a month ago....
What an amazing year!! It was terrible horrible no good very bad
recently started a 6 week “Fit Body Challenge” to try to increase my muscle strength.  I need more than 8lb arms!!  Maybe by the time you see me they’ll be 12 lb. arms.  LOL!  Actually my goal is to be able to do at least one real push-up.  I have never in my life been able to.  I can’t even do very many on my knees (like 3).  Upper body strength is not something I was blessed with.  So, we’ll see how I do after 6 weeks. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Your mother is a hermit! That's where Garrett got it. 


Now my week: 😜
This week was good. Well, we taught a bomb lesson to Hope. We didn't have a member present, and her husband wasn't home, so we brought the YSA elders. She is still as golden as usual. She talked about how the Holy Ghost has really blessed her and already has soooo many specific examples of it. 

Stephanie is doing well. She went out of town this week so we didn't meet. But her fellowshipper dropped her off at the airport. They talked about the coffee and she didn't mind giving it up and she said she is. She also defended the church hard to some of her friends. She's ready!!! July 16th here we come. 

We had a less active we've been working with come to church!! He stayed for sacrament and left after but it was pretty sweet. 

I went to Willow on exchanges this week with Elder Kapelila. He's a stud! He's from Mesa. Haha the Willow Ward boundaries go from Wasilla, north about 220 miles to Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley). We drove 50 miles from 1 dinner to the next. Then about another 30-40 to a service. Their boundaries are insane. We taught several killer lessons. Elder Kapelila was trained well. He's in his 4th transfer, about 5 months or so. We also got the stay in the famous Willow cabin! It's the Willow elders cabin that's back in the woods. It's pretty sweet. A member built it for them. It felt like camping. 

Here is a photo that's about 1.5 months late. Just got it. We also had zone conference. It was pretty good! Learned a lot from it. Also got to see Elder Goodsell and Elder Wilson again. 

Love you!
Elder Frey